Friday, December 26, 2008

Great Article - Is Now the Time to Buy?

Here is a great article for those that are thinking of buying but are waiting. If you are thinking of buying a home and are not sure if this is the best time to do it, please feel free to contact me so we can discuss your options.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Should I Sell my Home Now or Wait?

When I meet with people thinking of selling I have to ask them some tough questions for why they want to sell their home right now and together discover if this is the right to sell.

For most of my clients we have found it to be a great time sell. Right now, depending on the pricing in your area you find that homes are selling quickly if they are priced right. My last 2 listings have sold in less than a week with multiple offers above the asking price. With my marketing strategies and ability to diagnose the market surrounding your home your home can sell for top dollar. Below are a few questions to think about before we meet about getting your home on the market and getting it sold!

Why do you want to sell your home?
  • Is it to buy a larger home because you have outgrown your current residence?
  • Are you leaving the area?
  • Do you need to downsize?
  • Are you about to miss or have missed making a mortgage payment and are not sure what your options are?

Feel free to email me or call me if you have any questions about getting your home sold in South Orange County.

Is Now A Good Time to Buy Real Estate?

I am asked this question daily and the truth is it depends on your specific needs and goals. For most in Orange County it is a great time to buy real estate. For instance, if you are paying rent NOW is the time. Interest rates are very low and the housing inventory is great! While I have noticed there are fewer homes for sale in South Orange County, there are great homes available at great prices. With all the tax benefits of home ownership and the new tax credit for first time buyers, why wait?
If you have been thinking of buying a home but are not sure if it is the right time for you, email and lets talk soon about what your needs are for 2009.